The Glass Bead is a periodical that is published 4 times a year to members of the International Glass Bead Society. I received winter issue for 2011 the other day, and started to read it but laid it down unfinished. Yesterday I picked it up and much to my surprise there was a tutorial for Making Glass Utensil Handles, by Julie Nordine. This tutorial was not even mentioned on the cover. Well it so happens that she is one of the glass artists that I admire most for her style. I don't have any utensils to make but read the tutorial anyway. I took some of the information from the tutorial and made a focal bead yesterday. It pales in comparison to her work but I will wear it proudly until I get the chance one day to own a real Julie Nordine bead. I hope to take her technique and make it my own in some way. With this one article my membership dues was really worth my money.

The blueish purplish color is a silver glass called Psyche by Double Helix. Stop by Julie Nordine's web site if you get a chance
Lovely bead, I really like the shape and the lines. Good to know there will be some interesting reading amongst the bills when I get home!! Jenni