I have needed a web site of my own for a long time. I made inquiries 3 years ago of my son, but he was not interested in doing it for me. I even tried bartering jewelry for help in making one. That didn't work either. I made a promise to myself that the first snow day this year, after finding the web site Weebly.com, that I would concentrate on this task. Well so have it, the first snow day was two days after my first cataract surgery, so I didn't much feel like it. But since then I have made some progress. The site is easy to use and I am still tweaking some things, but fairly pleased so far. Check it out at Beadroe.com.
Since my last post, I have also concentrated on learning to use the Jim Moore coring tool that I bought used. The learning curve is very manageable. I am pretty pleased with my results. Here are some of my first tries.
All of these beads are fairly big and would be best suited to hang from a chain rather than be on a European charm bracelet.
I would welcome any feedback on these beads or my new website.
Thanks for looking.